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  • Digital Diploma
    A number of colleagues at the New College of the Humanities, including myself, Brian Ball, Fintan Nagle and Naomi Goulder, initiated, designed and developed a new digital education platform with the financial backing of the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists and other supporters. The Digital Diploma, as we call it, is open to the public and is free of charge. The content is created in such a way so as to provide accurate and intuitive accounts of material, arranged into easy-to-digest and self-contained chunks of information. It is meant to be accessible to anyone, i.e. from secondary school students to retirees. The objective is to empower individuals across society by providing them with the skills to critically engage in public debates as well as by demonstrating how these skills are applicable in a variety of contexts, including everyday life and science. At present, the platform carries some units on Science Literacy (e.g. the history of computing) and Applied Ethics (e.g. the moral limits of the market). In the future, we hope to offer a vast range of content. We are open to working with interested organisations around the educational and integration opportunities offered by the Digital Diploma. Opportunities for collaboration include shared student experience, targeted course materials for particular audiences, or sponsorship of areas of the Digital Diploma.

    If you are interested in discussing sponsorship or collaboration, please get in touch: ioannis.votsis(/a-t\)nchlondon.ac.uk